
Monday, May 23, 2011

When is giving up "ok"?

I think sometimes there comes a time in everyones life when they actually have to "give up" and put thier hands up and say "i can't do this" and "even though this sucks I can't do it" I know reciently we've had to do this as a family. Our whole lives we're always said to not give up, never EVER give up, don't ever turn your back but as I've grown older I've realized this actually isn't true. There are some  times in life that you have to give up because it's the right thing to do. Sometimes giving up is actually like "not giving up" If you haven't come to this in your life yet you might, you might not, but when you do take time and look at both ends and know that not always is it right to just always keep going.

Dear *******,
I know that giving up might not look like it was the harder decision but it was. Giving up and saying it couldn't be done was probably one of the hardest desicions. I'm sorry and I hope that one day you understand. You might never but know it was for the best. Sometimes giving up is the most love you can give. <3 --till the day you understand.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Growing so fast--4 months

My baby boy went for his 4 month visit yesterday. 15lbs 4 oz. 25 1/2 inches long. All healthy and time to try to start cereal. :)
I can't believe how fast it's all gone so far. I know it's "only" been 4 months but it feels like just yesterday I had him.
But as the days go fast I reflect on how blessed we truly are. I remember looking at bank statements when I was pregnant thinking...."how are we ever going to afford daycare, diapers, formula, ect ect ect" But I feel blessed because it seems things have worked out the way they needed to. I know there are some families and single parents that struggle and honestly my heart goes out to you. People need reminded and here is my reminder to you:

You are doing an amazing job. You are providing what you need to for another human that you created. Not everyone is cut out for this job and you are. With all the other millions of things going on in your life or drama that you might have to deal with....your doing an amazing job. You son/daughter loves you more than you could ever know. I know it's hard now but everything happens for a reason. Keep praying, keep the faith because YES it will pay off.
You're amazing. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

back on the horse

First thing is first. Why is the blog called "the woman standing beside the...."?
Well, it's because forever I've always thought of myself in my life as a woman that was always standing beside/behind/not even near someone else. I felt that there was always something holding me back but not now. I don't know if it was motherhood that changed a lot of the way I do things or what but I know that it had a lot to do with it.
I write about anything and everything. From life stories to food to everyday things that I feel strong about. I'm getting back into writing.
I'm here.
I'm needed.
I'm important.
I'm determined to always be the best person I can be in all aspects of my life. as a mother. wife. daughter. friend. sister.
and these.....are my stories and life journey.

"I will fall
 I will fail
 I will win
 I will impress
 I will love
 I will care
 I will yell
 I will scream
I will be true"